Two weeks ago while sniffing at the fragrance being launched by Roy Orbison’s widow (Pretty Woman, get it? Do ya? Hunh? Do ya?) we took a swipe at John Lennon’s widow.
Okay, this is just plain sad.Commenter Nathan Branch said he liked the idea of Yoko by Yoko (“There would have to be a very high, piercing introduction note . . .”). But we kept pressing the idea of necrophilic commercial exploitation:
Although I’m surprised Yoko Ono didn’t think of it first . . .
How about Grunge Widow by Courtney Love?Well, here’s today’s story from the New York Daily News:
Or Sonic for Men by Patti Smith?
Perfume’s heaven scent: New ‘Antiquity’ fragrances based on DNA of dead celebs
New releases include Elvis and Michael Jackson. The hook: DNA provided by a “renowned celebrity hair collector.”
What fun is blogging when the fragrance industry parodies itself?
UPDATE November 17, 2009
Who’s behind the fragrances based on dead celebrity DNA? The Rev. Dr. Diva Verdun of Beverly Hills, California.
Hey, I didn’t crop it to make her look like Vampira. Took it straight from her page on SpeakerSite.com, which includes these biographical tidbits:
Dr. Diva Verdun, PhD - Entrepreneur, Empowerment (Motivational) Speaker and Executive ProducerWhoooooie! Comedy gold. Res ipsa loquitur.
Dr. Diva has been a guest speaker at various career trade shows and speaks to diverse groups challenging them to take charge of their own lives. Diva holds a PhD in Metaphysical Pastoral Counseling and is an ordained Minister. Dr. Rev. Diva has established ‘Empowering Word of Truth Ministries’ to empower people to overcome poverty for wealth, failure for success, and dependence for independence so they can live the lives Spirit created them to live. She is the CEO & Executive Producer of Diva Universal Entertainment, and uses her unique empowerment techniques in non-traditional arenas such as modeling and entertainment. Other projects include Diva Style, Diva University of Models, Black’s M.E.N. the Organization/Movement, The Ramesses Man Project, LLC, C’ de Azz Jeans, Connection Films, LLC, Film Festival Academy, News Watchdog Service, Connection Holdings and the 1st and only One-of-a-Kind Perfume made from your DNA genetic code - My DNA Fragrance and the new Barack Obama fragrance POTUS 1600.
I don't even have a response for this. The Dr. Diva Parody-Comedy Gold Train has left the station and I'm too stunned to even whisper a farewell.
And the upcoming Barack Obama fragrance is the frosting sandwich between the insanity cookies.
Nathan Branch:
Heh. It's a veritable Party Tray of insanity cookies. I'm trying to cut back, but I can't resist. Maybe just a nibble . . .
The "C' de Azz Jeans" project, for example. Is it "See the Ass" or "Seedy Ass"? Transparent stage wear for strippers or discount dungarees for junkies?
Dear Avery, check my blog today, there is a post for you. You will find what you might like while in Brazil...
well, let's make a rolling stones perfume...one that you smell & lick!
+ Q Perfume:
Thank you for this salute to the feminine beauty of Brazil.
No need to wait for the translation--I'm checking airline schedules now.
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