Gothamist links to the Fox 5 news video about a lingering scent of human feces in the Herald Square subway station. The MTA placed a caution sign at the crime scene, but didn’t get around to, you know, actually cleaning it up until the Fox broadcast.
Afterward, MTA spokesman Kevin Ortiz declared:
Counter to Fox 5 claims, there were no feces at that location, but the pungent odor emanating from the area appears to stem from the homeless population there.
Well, then, no cause for complaint; it’s merely the pungent homeless population in the Herald Square station.
P.S. Wait a minute . . . did the MTA guy just compare the homeless to turds? Heartless bastard! (Mr. Ortiz must have attended the Rochelle Bloom School of Public Relations.)
P.P.P.S. Hey, here’s an idea. You know those highway signs that read “Litter removal next 3 miles provided by Acme Furniture”? How about “Air freshening in Herald Square station provided by The Fragrance Foundation.”
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