The sentient beings of La Jolla have awakened. They have jumped from their surf boards and stepped off their yoga mats, to tread the path of preparation. They seek to right a great wrong.
Stench entrenched: deodorizing Cove will require time, money and bureaucratic buy-inYes—through a great act of dharma, they will deodorize La Jolla Cove. To achieve this stainless state, they must pass through the many stages of bhūmi, known from the Steelydana Sūtra by their Sanskrit names
City Park and Recreation StaffAnd what is the source of this stench? What misery do the Bodhisattvas of San Diego seek to transcend?
Recreation District Manger
Deputy Director of Developed Regional Parks
San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
California Department of Fish and Game
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
the foul odor caused by pelican, cormorant and sea lion waste at La Jolla Cove

Why? Why do the Enlightened Ones hate nature so?
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