I had a pleasant chat the other day with Kristin Tillotson of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune which is now published as a Q&A. We covered everything from lutefisk—the favorite food of Norwegian bachelor farmers—to her chicken pot pie phobia and my innermost feelings about horse manure.
All this in anticipation of my talk Saturday evening, April 18, at the Bell Museum of Natural History on the University of Minnesota campus (10 SE Church Street, Minneapolis). Wine and dessert afterwards! Tickets $35 ($30 in advance) at 612-624-9050.
I’ll be signing copies of What the Nose Knows, so come by and say hello.
Pre-emptive note to stinky-food enthusiasts: yes, I do know the difference between stinky tofu (Chinese) and natto (Japanese). Sometimes the words they slip out of my mouth wrong.
UPDATE April 16, 2009
Kara Nesvig interviews me for the Minnesota Daily.
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