Name drops: 11
Michel HyBonus points:
Emilio Pucci
Laudomia Pucci
Marie-Aude Couture
Nathalie Gracia-Cetto
Sylvaine Delacourte
Marie Salamagne
Barry Alford
Hefferson Hoffman
Dr. John Gross
Rodrigo Flores-Roux
Perfumers: 5Hyphenated-Perfumer Double Bonus Points: 6
Moguls & “Creative Directors”: 8
Plastic Surgeons: 1
French: 4
European Aircraft: 1
Airbus 380Pac 10 Conference Bonus Points: 2
Arizona StateNonsensical fragrance descriptions: 2
clefted green aromatic
fructose-injected Mandarin orange
Repetitive redundancies: 1
conceptually idealizedTotal BurrOmeter reading for Vivara, Aqua Allegoria and Alford & Hoff: 41 milliburrs
Outlook: Wonderfulness trumps gender.
1 comment:
Burr is back, and so is the BurrOmeter -- oh, happy days!
Though my joy at Burr's return is tempered by his positive review of Pucci Vivara. Ugh, that stuff is so sharp it could claw its way out of a stainless steel vat.
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