The Smelly Web Indexes for July 10, 2010
The Solo Blog Index
Close: 97
Change: -10
Big movers: GrainDeMusc +9%, BoisDeJasmin +7%, Ayalasmellyblog +6%, IndiePerfumes +6%, BitterGraceNotes -42%, JaimeLeParfum -25%, Vetivresse -14%, FirstNerve -9%, OlfactaRama -9%, KatiePuckrikSmells -5
The Team Blog Index
Close: 131
Change: +1
Big movers: PerfumeDaRosaNegra +8%, PerfumeSmellinThings +7%, ISmellThereforeIam -10%
The Corporate & Community Site Index
Close: 19
Change: -6
Big movers: Sniffapalooza -17%
The Solo Blog Index dropped below its par value of 100 for the first time in four weeks. BitterGraceNotes slid 42% after nearly three months of steady rankings; JaimeLeParfum accelerated a four-week downturn by dropping 25%. The gas continued to leak out of the balloon as the motherships on the Corporate & Community Site Index lost six points, with Sniffapalooza losing big altitude. Over at the Team Blog Index it was steady as she goes; the team bloggers continue to turn in very even Alexa rankings.
Interesting post! I just happened on your blog (the musk project brought me here), and I have enjoyed rambling through the archives.
What is your theory regarding the rise or fall of perfume blogs? I'd be interested in your opinion.
I believe it was you that addressed the group at the 2008 Sniffapalooza Fall Ball, which I attended. Your olfactory findings are very interesting, indeed.
Your feistiness is refreshing.
Welcome to the FirstNerve. Hope you enjoy your ramble through the archives. I'd just started blogging when I gave the Sniffapalooza talk you heard.
I see you you've launched your own fragrance blog.
My Smelly Web Index data reveal a few consistently high-flying sites and a mad scramble among those of us with less lofty Alexa rankings.
Solo sites sometimes burn out (long-haul blogging takes stamina) and newly born ones take their place. It takes a while to reach take-off speed, so keep your hand on the throttle. Bon voyage!
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