In a series of pre-Halloween
posts a decade ago, I examined ghostly smell stories and poems including
examples from the Victorian English novelist Wilkie Collins, the 19th
century American writer Bret Harte, the Irish poet W.B. Yeats, and an English
novel (“The Uninvited”) that was made into a movie starring Ray Milland.
I was reminded of them this week when I came across a new study: “Perceptual
phenomena associated with spontaneous experiences of after-death communication:
Analysis of visual, tactile, auditory and olfactory sensations.”
Have I started dabbling in occultism? Not exactly. The paper
appears in Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing, published by Elsevier, which claims to address “the scientific principles behind, and
applications of, evidence-based healing practices from a wide variety of sources, including conventional, alternative, and cross-cultural medicine.”
Further, “It is an interdisciplinary journal that explores the healing arts, consciousness, spirituality, eco-environmental issues, and basic science as all these fields
relate to health.”
OK, then!
So who conducted the study? Here’s the batting order:
Marjorie Woollacott, an emeritus professor of physiology
whose focus is motor control.
Chris A. Roe, a professor of psychology at the University of Northampton in the UK who is President of the Society for Psychical Research
and whose most recent publication is a chapter titled “Clinical parapsychology: The interface between anomalous experiences and psychological wellbeing.”
Callum E. Cooper, a senior lecturer in psychology at Northampton, who holds two doctorates and whose most recent publication is the entry on “Anal Intercourse” for the Encyclopedia of Sex and Sexuality.
David Lorimer, Programme Director of something called the Scientific and Medical Network, and an editor and author of many books including Survival? Death as a Transition; he is interviewed in a recent
youtube video.
Evelyn Elsaesser, an independent researcher in Switzerland
and author of, among other books, On the other side of life: Exploring the phenomenon of the near-death experience.
So what have they delivered?
The study itself consists of a lengthy 194-item online questionnaire that was filled out by 991 people, mostly women (85%) with a
median age of 51 years. The olfactory data appear in Table 6. In response to the question “Did you smell a fragrance characteristic of the deceased which made you think he/she was present?” 28% of respondents said yes. Of these, 60% also said yes to the next question: “Did you feel that the deceased was conveying a message to you by way of this fragrance?”
The authors give us an idea of what smells were reported:
“The fragrances typically included aftershave lotion, a typical body scent, perfume or soap, but many odors were noted in the descriptions, including tobacco, food and flowers.”
Smells were the least common sensory impression (28%) reported by
people who experienced ADC. The most frequent were tactile (48%), visual (46%),
and auditory (44%). While noting that there is considerable variability in the
representation of the individual senses in previous studies of ADC, the authors
don’t have much to say about the proportions they found.
For what it’s worth, I would point out that the
substantially lower incidence of smells compared to sights and sounds is consistent with what’s been reported
for sensory impressions in dreams and hallucinations.
The paper is mildly interesting for the cross-sensory
tabulations insofar as they relate to smells in phantosmia, dreams, and hallucinations.
Whether there is anything else worth pursuing on the topic of after-death communication
is, in my opinion, dubious. Interestingly, the funders of the study are
Funding: This work was supported by a foundation that wishes to remain anonymous. The funding organization had no influence on the final research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of the report or the decision to submit the article for publication.
UPDATE May 7, 2021
And right on cue—spooky new Netflix movie Things Heard & Seen features among other things a smelly ghost.
The study discussed here is “Perceptual phenomena associatedwith spontaneous experiences of after-death communication: Analysis of visual,tactile, auditory and olfactory sensations,” by Marjorie Woollacott, Chris A.
Roe, Callum E. Cooper, David Lorimer, and Evelyn Elsaesser, published online in
EXPLORE, February 23, 2021.